Warning of the Day

I would like to nominate this stack trace for the Warning of the Day award:

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Fuck"
 at  java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
 at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:403)
 at java.lang.Long.valueOf(Long.java:491)
 at java.lang.Long.decode(Long.java:634)

It was caused by the following IP address from the request header of an actual StyleFeeder user:


The latter IP address (masked here to protect the innocent) geolocated to the Netherlands, in case you’re wondering. Some kind of anonymizing proxy, maybe?

This user proceeded to view one item…

OiOi Sophisticated Baby Bags Giraffe Print Messenger

OiOi Sophisticated Baby Bags Giraffe Print Messenger

…then started the signup process, but unfortunately didn’t go through with it.

More about Iranian shoppers in a moment.

[Edit: The registration service is in the Netherlands, but the address was actually registered to a company somewhere else in the world (and not in Iran either). The challenge of accurate geolocation looms.]