A friend asked me about StyleFeeder‘s experience using CDNs, so I sent him the list of criteria that we use to evaluate the various content delivery networks that we have tried. We’re currently using Akamai, Cloudfront and Panther for various types of content. I’ve talked to pretty much everybody in the CDN space over the […]
Here at StyleFeeder, we do a lot of things for the sake of performance. We recently decided to take a set of processes that we had running on a few large EC2 instances over at Amazon Web Services, and consolidate them into a couple of clusters. First, you may ask, why use AWS at all? […]
Posted on July 6, 2009, 11:58 am, by Philip Jacob, under
It’s no secret that we have spent a lot of time on performance at StyleFeeder, mainly because it’s one of those things that you end up addressing when you’re scaling, but also because it can yield very tangible results for user metrics. It turns out that people really like using fast websites. Go figure. About […]
Posted on April 10, 2009, 7:22 am, by Philip Jacob, under
I came across this post about DNS performance on Hacker News yesterday, which was interesting because I’d been conducting similar experiments for StyleFeeder. Our site is fast and has scaled well, but I’m always on the lookout to shave off a few milliseconds here and there from our requests. I was looking at our Pingdom […]
I recently had lunch with Dan Weinreb who I met at the Xconomy cloud computing event back in June. We talked about many topics, mostly scalable database architectures, but also about caching. He mentioned that he was doing some stuff with memcached lately, which I found very interesting. Now, memcached certainly has some nice features, […]