An easy VPN with DD-WRT

I’ve been using some ssh port forwards to get onto our office lan where we have our integration environment on days when I’m working remotely (i.e. we got 12 inches of snow yesterday). But those are more complicated these days since I need to connect to four or five services (databases, web services, etc.), so I thought I’d see if I could somehow coax DD-WRT – the open source firmware on our router – to give me VPN functionality. No coaxing required. This couldn’t have been easier. In fact, it’s downright impressive how easy it was. It took me literally three minutes to get it working with my OS/X laptop and the same again for Savage on a Windows box. Now, that’s cool.


  1. Marc says:

    Did you follow the directions from the dd-wrt website? Did you go with the static key method or with certificates. I am finding the directions a bit confusing for the latter.

  2. Philip Jacob says:

    I used the static key method… it was just easier that way to get up and running.