Archive for April 2009

Congrats to Contegix

I’ve been accused by a few people of being a Contegix fanboi, which is an label that I completely accept and agree with.  We’ve been hosting with them for around two and a half years after I decided that I didn’t want to handle a growing cluster of machines myself.  Since I ran a small […]

Hiring a Product Designer

StyleFeeder is looking for a Product Designer to work on some upcoming features for our Personal Shopping Engine during a three month contract with us (possibly longer, but we’re focusing on 3 months for now). We’re a small, fun-loving team that works hard and gets things done without any bureaucracy.   StyleFeeder is based in Central […]

The Irony of Facebook (aka Verified Apps Program FAIL)

As you may know, StyleFeeder has a rather large Facebook application that we launched in the summer of 2007, just after the Facebook platform was announced. We grew quickly, mainly because the application is actually useful (rather than the apps that let you throw electric sheep at people, which are fun but also tiresome) and […]

DNS vendor performance

I came across this post about DNS performance on Hacker News yesterday, which was interesting because I’d been conducting similar experiments for StyleFeeder. Our site is fast and has scaled well, but I’m always on the lookout to shave off a few milliseconds here and there from our requests. I was looking at our Pingdom […]